
Who are you listening to?

Who are you listening to?

Moment by moment, are you choosing to listen and follow the voices of your internal chatterbox or your intuition? I'm sure I'm not alone when I say that I have many voices in my head ..... sometimes it's pretty noisy in there with their many different personalities....

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How Decisive Are You?

How Decisive Are You?

When you're faced with making a decision, do you just decide the next action to take, or do you stall, 'sit on the face' and put off making a decision? Well it depends on the situation, you might answer. However T Harv Eker once said 'How you do something is how you...

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Judgement Free Zone

Judgement Free Zone

Are you 100% aware of what you're thinking moment by moment? Its an interesting question isn't it. I'm becoming more and more aware of the actual impact my thoughts have and if they're serving me or not? Thoughts have a direct impact on how you're feeling and the...

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What are you waiting for?

What are you waiting for?

Do you ever get that feeling that you want to move forward and yet you feel stuck, unsure what to do next... as if you're waiting for a sign that everything will turn out ok. It's as if you are driving a car, and have one foot on the accelerator and then the other...

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During the time between Christmas and the end of the year, a lot of people find themselves in ‘no-man’s land’, wondering what to do with themselves. Don’t let this be you, instead see it as a great opportunity to reflect on the year that you’ve just had and get...

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Make It Happen

Make It Happen

What are you waiting for? You have dreams ..... I hear you. Sometimes they're so big they scare you, right!! You feel stuck and scared.  You want to go forward, although you have one foot firmly planted in your comfort zone....

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Growth Means Change

Growth Means Change

By nature, people are creatures of habit. We habitually do the same things, at the same time, in the same way .... and in the same breadth we wish things would be different with our dreams coming true. However, for anything to grow, and that includes ourselves, it...

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Who’s Driving Your Bus

Who’s Driving Your Bus

You've set a very clear intention for yourself ... .a dream, a goal, something that you're so passionate about achieving. You've set your destination, you're in the driving seat, you know where you're heading. And then  ..... a road bump a fork in the road an obstacle...

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Time To Review And Reset

Time To Review And Reset

As the clocks tick on to April, it always seems like the perfect time to take a breath, to review the last 3 months and to reset for the next 3 months. These days I find it a lot easier to set clear intentions and goals in three monthly chunks. Yes it's great to have...

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You Have A Choice

You Have A Choice

When you feel things, events, outcomes go 'bad' or not as expected, it's very easy to fall into the trap of also 'feeling' bad, sad, mad ....or whatever your non-supporting default emotion is. However you ALWAYS have a choice as to how you feel, no matter what happens...

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