Heal and Elevate Your Life Workshop
Saturday June 22nd
10 am – 12.30 pm
Redcliffe Library
Are you someone who ….
- Has health and life challenges that progressively get worse
- Feels anxious, stressed, overwhelmed or depressed
- Is ready to make changes in your life NOW
This workshop will help you …..
- Feel calm and centred no matter what is going on around you
- Tune into and follow your intuition
- Manage and master your emotions
- Live a life of fulfilment, joy, gratitude, health & abundance
- Stay on track through the ‘ups and downs’ of life
If you’re thinking you’re not where you want to be then something has to change.
“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result” Albert Einstein
Ready to make a change and HEAL AND ELEVATE your life
Let’s make it a reality