Have you ever felt that you need to have ALL the answers before you to move forward … to have ALL your ducks lined up in a row, and then you’ll start.
It doesn’t work like that. Things are fluid, in constant flux of change. You just have to CHOOSE your destination, your intention, and then start taking daily action, moving towards it.
For example if you were canoeing down a river which had a lot of bends and rapids in it, you have to canoe it in sections. Canoe to the first bend, and then when you arrive there, the next section of the river will present itself to you. It might be straight for a while before a bend or it might have a rapid in it. Depending what the river presents, you choose your course appropriately. Life is no different.
So if you’re thinking of starting something new and you feel that you don’t know the big picture yet or all the details, although you have an idea, a destination, an intention/goal of what you want to happen, then as the Nike slogan would say ‘Just Do It’. Start today, dive in. trust that you don’t need to know all the twists and turns of your own ‘river of life’, only to the first bend. The rest will just unfold along the way.
And remember
Wish It … Dream It … Do It!
Sue xo
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