Time To Review And Reset

Time To Review And Reset

As the clocks tick on to April, it always seems like the perfect time to take a breath, to review the last 3 months and to reset for the next 3 months. These days I find it a lot easier to set clear intentions and goals in three monthly chunks. Yes it’s great to...
You Have A Choice

You Have A Choice

When you feel things, events, outcomes go ‘bad’ or not as expected, it’s very easy to fall into the trap of also ‘feeling’ bad, sad, mad ….or whatever your non-supporting default emotion is. However you ALWAYS have a choice as to...
Wisdom Through The Ages

Wisdom Through The Ages

As we age, it’s only natural that we accumulate life experiences and with it comes wisdom. Over time we reflect on events and experiences and our perspective changes. ‘Ageing is an extraordinary process, where you become the person you should have...
Take Responsibility

Take Responsibility

I feel one of the biggest things in life to really embrace, is to take full responsibility for your thoughts, actions and how you feel. Just imagine, for example, that you’ve had a disagreement with your partner, family member or co-worker.  Things are said in...
Leap Of Faith

Leap Of Faith

We have many inspired thoughts and ideas daily ….. projects to start, new solutions for problems, new actions to take, habits we’re committed to change etc, and then another ‘fear based’ voice pops into our head with a ton of excuses that will...
Count Your Blessings

Count Your Blessings

My Grandma always used to say this saying to me ‘Count your blessings’. It’s so relevant for us to remember on a daily basis, moment by moment, as it’s so easy these days to get caught up in a busy life ….. the ‘to do list’...